Mia Rolf

Board member

Mia Rolf, Executive MBA, has a solid experience in leading startups to growth, partly through 14 years as an entrepreneur and investor herself and partly through her work as CEO at Ideon Science Park between 2016-2021. In the latter role, Mia Rolf implemented a growth program in the Ideon area that led to 25-100% growth for the companies that attended the program. Nowadays, the program is managed by a foundation that is run across Sweden; Navigator Scaleup. There, Mia Rolf holds a board seat together with representatives of Sparbankernas Riksförbund. Mia Rolf’s core competence is strategic branding and today she is Marketing and Communications Manager for the listed company Wihlborgs Fastigheter.

Shareholdings as of 2024-01-03:
0 shares, and 17,500 stock options through incentive program



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